Welcome to The Maidstone Makers Website!

This is a placeholder NeoCities website for the Maidstone Makers Club. This club is meant for folk in and around Maidstone who are interested in 3D printing for fun and experimentations. We hope to collect a number of enthusiasts who will enable a collaborative, friendly environment for creativity and innovation as well as learning. There is no age restriction. There is no membership fee, but we will at some point be accepting donations that we can pool together for new resources that we can share and also for face to face meeting venues, asnd may be occasional fun. The only requiement for members are that they share a common interest and the will behave in a kind and considerate way to other members.

The club members benefit by sharing ideas and experiences as well as offering skills. It is hoped that a diverse range of expertise, can allow a blending of electronics, 3D printing, CNC Machining, robotics and computer programming that will further enhance creativity. By pooling resources, the members can also benefit from access to tools that would be otherwise inaccessible to them.

As a fledgling club, there will somethings that need to be established, e.g. a code of conduct, and sharing of intellectual property, but this club is truly aimed at friendship and openness, so the majority of the ideas would be open source. The initial few months of this club will be forming a committee, positions and allocation domains of responsibility.

For more information please email maidstonemakers<at>hotmail.com